Showing posts from the Peace category

Is World Peace Possible?

WORLD PEACE – PART 1 Asking the Questions To ask someone if they would like to live in a peaceful world is almost a waste of time. The overwhelming majority of the world’s popu... More

bubbles rising

Nourishing Power on the Move

The Nourishing Power of Nature Is On the Move and the Transcendent Is Bubbling Up We constantly cherish Maharishi’s glorious vision for the Mother Divine Programsm. It is our gr... More

Ways To Donate To The Mother Divine Program℠

If you would like to help The Mother Divine Program • give support to every country everywhere, including your own dear country, • bless all mankind with the support o... More

May Peace on Earth be Powerful

THANK YOU FOR HELPING US TO PLAY OUR ROLE Please Give Generously Today This song expresses the desire shared by people all over the world, for permanent, unshakable peace on earth.... More


The words of this song were taken from a talk given by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and refer to the Introductory Sanskrit Verse for several Upanishad of Yajur-Veda. This song was written... More