Bhagavad-Gita Mini Talks #3

Aug 2, 2013

Gita Mini Talks#3: Chapter 1 Verse 25.

In this 2-3 minute talk, you will have a taste of the depth of knowledge contained in the Bhagavad-Gita  as translated and commented on by Maharishi.

Enjoy the nectar of the Bhagavad-Gita bringing enlightenment, success and world peace.


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The Mother Divine Program℠ is currently offering an online course of study of Maharishi’s translation and commentary on the Gita in great depth. Ladies in all countries are warmly invited to participate. To learn more, visit
Come and enjoy the nectar of the Bhagavad-Gita bringing enlightenment, success and world peace.

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Bhagavad Gita

bahava gita, bhagavad gita books, bhagavad gita by, bhagavad gita preachings, Bhagavad-Gita, books on gita, Empowering Women, Enlightenment, maharishi bhagavad, Maharishi Bhagavad Gita, Personal Growth, preachings of bhagavad gita, Self-Development, the bhagavad, the bhagvad gita, Transcendental Meditation, World Peace