Themes of Past Matri Mandala Presentations:


  • Celebrating Women’s History Month:Reflecting on Women as the Foundation for All Accomplishments Throughout the History of Civilization


  • Maharishi’s Master Plan to Create Heaven on Earth
  • Playing in the Field of Bliss Maharishi’s 16 Principles of the Science of Creative Intelligence in Songs for Children
  • The Absolute State of Relationship
  • Fulfilling the Great Need for Ideal Leadership. Principles and Possibilities of Vedic Administration in Our Own Lives, in Society and in the Family of Nations.


  • Your Ultimate You:Utilizing the Knowledge of Self-Pulse to Enliven the Body’s Inner Intelligence.
  • Turning the World Right Side Up—New Principles Rising to Guide Life in the Age of Enlightenment
  • Self-Empowerment Through Poetry
  • What More Can We Do to Uplift Ourselves and Our Dear World?  Precious Insights Into Vedic Recitations, Vedic Sounds, and Gandharva Veda for Peace, Health, Happiness, and Fulfillment
  • A Unified Field Trip to Experience Total Knowledge in a Short Time:  Come Tour a Consciousness-Based Classroom With Us!
  • Celebrating the Rise of Nourishing Power on Earth:  Awakening Total Enlightenment in All Women–The Mothers of the World
  • Women Leading Society from the Strength of Being–Based on the Knowledge from Maharishi on the Qualities of Effective Leaders, with Special Focus on Ladies
  • Discovering the Light of God Shining throughout Creation
  • Experiencing Maharishi’s Principles:  A workshop-playshop- on Self Discovery
  • Vedic Dance Interactive Session
  • Celebrating Transcendence in Poetry, Prose and Photography
  • Exciting News about the Global Women’s Center for Peace and Enlightenment

Previous years:

  • Mother Divine and All Women as Mothers of the World
  • Maharishi Ayurveda and Transforming Pragya-aparadh Into Perfect Health and Bliss Consciousness
  • Living Wholeness of Life—Enlivening Bliss, Soma and Ojas for Perfect Health and Enlightenment  Living in the Ocean of Pure Divine Love—The Basis for Blissful Fullness of Heart and Enlightened Relationships
  • The Role of Music in Culturing the Finest Level of Feeling  
  • The TM Technique and the Journey of Enlightenment
  • Maharishi’s Unique Contribution to all Humankind: The Technology of Consciousness—Creating Anything from Nothing. Mirroring the Mechanics of Creation Within One’s Own Self Referral Consciousness
  • Women and the Path to Enlightenment
  • Stirring the Field of Transcendental Bliss in Africa
  • Why Vedic Education is of General Interest—The Practical Consciousness-Based Approach to Education
  • Life is Naturally Full—Awakening Affluence for All
  • Creating Coherence in Thailand and Southeast Asia—Transforming Individual Lives and Transforming Collective Consciousness
  • Absolute Celebration—The Delightful Role of Celebrations in Creating Heaven on Earth.
  • The Bhagavad-Gita as a Complete Guide to Practical Life
  • Enlivening the Universal Level of Life—Mother Divine—Within Every Woman to Nourish the World
  • Exploring the Full Range of Yoga: Growing in Stability and Flexibility through the Union of Individual and Cosmic Self
  • Veda Leela – The Play of Pure Knowledge
  • Higher States of Consciousness and the Enlightened Woman
  • Exploring the Universal Divine Feminine Qualities Illumined in the Bhagavad Gita  
  • Vedic Gardening and the Blosssoming of Totality
  • Relationship Between Intellect and Emotions—Who’s in Charge? Exploring the Functioning of the Mind to locate the Commander-in-Chief   
  • The Maharishi Effect Celebrated With Songs Create coherence—now—for an Invincible Nation and a Peaceful World
  • Applying Consciousness-Based Education to Know What you Want to Know, Do What you Want to Do, and Be What you want to Become  
  • Desires: A Help or a Hindrance in Unfolding Our Full Potential?
  •  Let Us Demonstrate the Power of Consciousness—the Silence Within
  • The March—Inner and Outer Values of Transformative Power
  • Unleashing the Artist Within—The Mechanics of Creativity
  • Maharishi’s Practical Principles for Ideal Communication: “Speak from the Unified Field”
  • Celebrating the 3rd Anniversary of Matri Mandala: Women Helping to Turn the Tide of Time for Our Whole World Family
  • Unfolding the Absolute State of Relationship
  • Maharishi Ayurveda: Awakening the Eternal Laws of Nature to Support Balanced Functioning of Mind, Body, and Emotions
  • Maharishi Aromatherapy Enlivening Consciousness, the Inner Intelligence of the Body and Mind to Restore Wholeness and Balance for Perfect Health
  • Vedic Dance: The Integration of Mind, Body, and Environment—Wholeness in Motion
  • Indisputable Fact: We Can Make a Difference
  • Maharishi AyurVeda: Enlivening All the Laws of Nature for Balanced Functioning of Body, Mind, and Emotions
  • Art and Music: The Skillful Transformation of Pure Intelligence into Expressions of Beauty
  • Free Will or Destiny: Which is the Champion?
  • The Fabric of Unity: Exploring Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras in the light of Maharishi’s Vedic Science
  • Poetry Connecting the Song of Individual Life with the Song of Cosmic Life
  • Singing With Transcendence and Joy – the Full Power of Nature
  • The Bliss-Based Science of our Creative Selves: Expanding the Range of Success and Joy in Everyday Life
  • Peace and Education: Mother is the First Teacher
  • The Science of Prediction and Prevention: Engaging Natural Law to Maximize Our Opportunities and Avert the Danger Before it Arises
  • Leadership Is All Structured in Love
  • Creating Heaven on Earth: Maharishi’s Principles of Raising Enlightened Children
  • Maharishi Ayurveda: The When and How of Eating for Perfect Digestion
  • Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture: Employing Holistic Functioning in Nature
  • The Power of Attention—What Is Its Significance? How Does It Work?
  • Ojas—Understanding, Locating, and Unfolding the Subtlest, Most Refined Substance In Our Physiology
  • Ideal Behavior for an Ideal World
  • Awakening Our Cosmic Brain Potential — Empowering Us to Turn the Tide of Time
  • Finding the Perfect Path of Action—Dharma—at Every Age and Stage of Our Life: Maharishi’s Principles
  • Modern Science and Ancient Vedic Science Converge on the Ultimate Reality
  • Can Cultural Diversity Survive in an Increasingly Globalized World?
  • Natural Law Based Art: Fulfilling the Purpose of Art through Expressions that Inspire Evolution, Refine Perception, and Enrich the Environment
  • Outer is Based on Inner: The Intriguing Story of Self-Sufficiency
  • Beyond Nutrition: Rediscovering the Special Significance of the Mother Cow
  • Women Rising in World Consciousness
  • Reflecting on Maharishi’s Unique Contributions to the World
  • 2019 Blossoming into a Glorious 2020
  • Stay Healthy, Stay Strong: Basic Maharishi Ayurveda Prevention and Health Points
  • Brain Gain: Learn What Your Brain Loves to Keep You Healthy and Happy
  • Unity for Immunity —The Role of Pure Consciousness and Bliss in Creating Perpetual Good Health
  • Signs of Rising Consciousness in Daily Life as brought to light by Maharishi
  • We Are What We Eat: Ayurvedic Cooking Tips for Health and Longevity
  • Eternal Ayurvedic Principles for Women—Making Best Use  of These Challenging Times for Our Bright New Future
  • Living in Tune with Natural Law: Daily Routine for Better Health and Happiness
  • Maharishi Vedic Architecture: Building a Better World
  • Sing Your Own Song: Joyful Songwriting for Everyone
  • Heaven: Now or Later?
  • Maharishi’s Unique and Timeless Contributions to the World
  • Celebrating the 2020 Achievements of the Global Mother Divine Organization and the Mother Divine Program
  • Tracking the Path to Immortality
  • Maharishi Vedic Astrology—Creating a Brighter Future Today
  • Experiences of Lady Seers Living Unity Consciousness—Recorded in the Vedic Literature, Described by Maharishi
  • Fathoming the Ocean of Pure Consciousness to Discover the Unity and Beauty of Nature within Yourself
  • Experiences of More Lady Seers Living Unity Consciousness
  • 40th Anniversary: Celebrating Every Woman Living Freedom, Fullness, and Enlightenment
  • Moving Fast Forward: TM Women Changing the World
  • Vedic Dance: Happiness, Health, and Harmony Through the Dance of Wholeness
  • Quality of Food=Quality of Life: The Importance of Pure Food for our Health and Wellness
  • Awakening the Ocean of Divine Love in Human Awareness